WOM Chile reaches an agreement with its creditors to continue with the financial restructuring procedure in the US

Views: 21Santiago, June 20, 2024. WOM Chile, the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors and the Ad Hoc Group of bondholders announced today that they have reached an agreement to (i) continue the U.S. financial reorganization process under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, and (ii) support the evaluation of alternatives to exit the reorganization […]

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The Board of Directors announces the appointment of Martín Vaca Narvaja as the new CEO of WOM Chile, effective April 4, 2024

Views: 14Santiago. April 4, 2024 – Mr. Vaca Narvaja brings to WOM Chile his vast experience in the telecommunications industry. Previously, he held executive positions at global mobile technology distribution company Brightstar and trans-Andean mobile telephony company Telecom. In his 28-year career, as CEO he participated in several refinancing and organizational transformation processes, such as […]

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WOM Chile obtains US$200M in financing from JPMorgan and files for Chapter 11 capital restructuring to strengthen financial position

Views: 28 WOM Chile’s restructuring efforts and Chapter 11 filing are aimed at enabling the company to strengthen its financial stability, continue to grow its business, protect its employees, meet its commitments to the government and continue to provide the best service to its more than 8 million customers. The Chapter 11 filing is intended […]

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Students from rural communities will have free internet for up to 5 years and an online digital skills course

Views: 14 The initiative, promoted by WOM, expects to benefit 100 students of higher university and professional technical education from different regions and rural communities in the country, with a free annual connectivity plan for up to five years. In addition, they will receive a tablet and will be able to access an online digital […]

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Subtel and WOM inaugurate digital highway that will strengthen connectivity in the regions of Biobío and Ñuble

Views: 14 The emblematic project, whose objective is to provide the necessary wholesale infrastructure to provide greater access to connectivity, will benefit more than 500 thousand people in 40 communities in the area. During the activity, WOM announced that it will connect 47 schools in the Province of Arauco, impacting more than 11 thousand students. […]

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Subtel, Chilenter and WOM promote collaboration to refurbish 3,000 computers

Views: 14This initiative is an open invitation to all companies nationwide, regardless of their industry, to donate to the Chilenter Foundation computers that are no longer in use to give them a second life and thus benefit thousands of students with less access to this type of device. During the activity, WOM delivered the first […]

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“51% of people admit to being dependent on cell phones and 33% consider themselves addicted to the Internet”

Views: 14 The study “Digital Detox: Disconnect to connect” unveiled the habits of cell phone use, revealing the dependence on mobile devices and the risks of hyperconnectivity.    Among the conclusions, it stands out that the people who intend to change their habits are -most of them- between 18 and 29 years old (58%). Likewise, 66% […]

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WOM Chile maintains sustained financial growth

Views: 22 For the third consecutive quarter, the company reported positive results in revenues, customer base and EBITDA, in a complex financial scenario worldwide. The company’s main challenge will be to maintain its response capacity and market competitiveness Santiago. November 30, 2023 –  WOM Chile, the second mobile operator in the industry with a 25.6% […]

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WOM’s ‘Connected Schools’ program already benefits more than 42 thousand students nationwide

Views: 14 WOM completed the 2023 program that connected 100 schools with free Internet in communities such as Florida, Cañete, Cabildo, Llay Llay, Navidad, La Estrella, Pumanque, among others, distributed between the regions of Arica and Parinacota and Los Lagos.   Valparaíso, November 15, 2023 – WOM reached an important milestone in its Social Connectivity […]

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Nearly 40 tons of electronic devices have been recycled thanks to the alliance of WOM and Sodimac

Views: 15As of September of this year, about 10 of the 12 tons that the operator set as a goal for 2023 have already been recycled. This initiative invites people to deposit unused electronic devices and equipment in Sodimac’s National Network of Clean Points. Santiago, October 13, 2023.- Promoting the circular economy in the country, […]

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«50% of people recognize using their cell phone at least once when driving»

Views: 14The study “Use the network responsibly” unveiled the cell phone usage habits of drivers and revealed that the main reasons are the use of maps, answering or making calls, sending messages or voice notes and manipulating music. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), manipulating a cell phone while driving is similar to drunk […]

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WOM consolidates its position as the second largest operator in the mobile market and already has more than 8 million customers

Views: 16 The company recorded a 9.2% growth in its customer base compared to the same period of 2022.   In addition, the operator reported 8.8% growth in revenues and 16.4% growth in adjusted EBITDA compared to the same period of the previous year.  Santiago. August 25, 2023 – Eight years after its arrival in the […]

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WOM launches its second sustainability report with advances in community development and environmental commitment

Views: 30Among the most relevant aspects is the development of community dialogues -in which more than 1,200 people participated, in addition to authorities-, and the training of teachers in technological skills, benefiting more than 18 thousand students in vulnerable conditions. Santiago, August 24, 2023 – WOM published the second version of its Sustainability Report, which […]

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Mobile data traffic increased by 17% in the first half of 2023

Views: 13This was reflected in the latest report by WOM, which recorded that the application with the highest growth was TikTok. On the other hand, YouTube and Instagram led the bulk of overall traffic. Santiago, August 02, 2023. The use of technological applications through a smartphone continues to grow. This was shown by the latest […]

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WOM opens the application process for the free internet connection program in the Region of Arica and Parinacota

Views: 14Students, families and communities in the region, through municipalities and various civil society organizations, will be able to benefit from free internet, thanks to the third version of the “Connected Community” program promoted by the operator. Santiago, July 25, 2023 – WOM launched a new version of the “Comunidad Conectada” program that will deliver […]

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WOM’s ‘100 Connected Schools’ program already benefits more than 40 thousand students across the country

Views: 14WOM has connected 80 schools with free Internet, out of a target of 100, in remote communities such as Marchigüe, Nacimiento, Mulchén, Renaico, Perquenco, Hualqui and Toltén, among others, spread between the regions of Arica and Parinacota and Los Lagos. Santiago, July 25, 2023 – WOM continues to advance in its Social Connectivity Plan. […]

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WOM strengthens processes and protocols with a focus on gender equity and work-life balance

Views: 14The company received two seals in recognition of the implementation of an environment that promotes gender equality and the reconciliation of work, family and personal life. Santiago, July 6, 2023 – WOM received the recertification of Chilean Standard 3262 from Sernameg, a seal that recognizes the implementation of an environment that promotes gender equality […]

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WOM’s mobile network is the fastest and best rated in Chile

Views: 16 Today the company has been doubly recognized by the international ranking Ookla as the fastest Mobile Network and the best evaluated Network in Chile during the 1st semester of 2023. Likewise, the deployment of the 5G WOM project has already reached 80% progress in its construction, reaching more than 320 communities throughout the […]

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WOM opens application process for free internet connection program

Views: 15Students, families and communities, through municipalities and various civil society organizations, will be able to benefit from free internet, thanks to the third version of the “Comunidad Conectada” program promoted by the operator. Santiago, June 28, 2023 – WOM launched a new version of the “Comunidad Conectada” program that will deliver 100,000 sim cards […]

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WOM starts program to connect 100 schools during 2023 with the purpose of shortening the digital gap in rural education

Views: 17This initiative aims to connect schools in remote areas free of charge, which today have coverage thanks to the deployment that the company is carrying out throughout Chile and which includes 366 rural locations. Santiago, May 2023 – As part of WOM’s Social Connectivity Plan, the company launched a program to connect 100 rural […]

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WOM wins 1st place in «Best Sustainable Packaging» category

Views: 17The company was recognized by the organization Todos Reciclamos in the category “Best Sustainable Packaging” for the new design of the packaging of its SIM cards made of 100% recyclable material that can be deposited in any clean point such as paper and cardboard. “Just as we are concerned about having an efficient operation, […]

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Subtel, Technovation Girls and WOM promote workshops to increase the number of women in STEM careers

Views: 16This Technovation Girls program is aligned with the government’s priorities through its “Zero Digital Divide” plan, promoting for more than five years the development of digital skills in girls from an early age to encourage their interest in science and technology careers.    Santiago. In the framework of the Telecommunications Month, Subtel together with Technovation […]

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WOM reports 14% revenue growth in Q1 2023 and reaches 7.9 million customers

Views: 27The operator recorded an increase in adjusted EBITDA of 16% compared to the same period last year. The company also increased its mobile customers by 10%.  Santiago. May 22, 2023 – WOM continues to grow solidly and steadily. In the delivery of its financial results for the first quarter of 2023, the operator announced […]

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WOM records 12% revenue growth in the fourth quarter 2022

Views: 29 The company, which is leading a strong investment plan to strengthen its network, also doubled its investment in 2022, reaching US$270 million, and reaches 7.8 million customers. Barcelona. Thursday, March 2, 2023 – The telecommunications company WOM continues to grow robustly. In the delivery of its financial results for the fourth quarter of […]

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WOM activates new Solidarity Plan to provide connectivity to people affected by the forest fires

Views: 15This initiative is added to a series of measures already announced by the company to help people affected by the fires. February 10, 2023 – The telecommunications company WOM activated a solidarity plan to ensure the connectivity of its customers affected by the forest fires in the regions of Ñuble, Biobío and La Araucanía. […]

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WOM closes the year with 7.6 million customers and Chile’s largest 5G network

Views: 15The telecommunications company registered a series of key milestones for the connectivity of all Chileans, starting with the deployment of its 5G network, which allowed it to position itself as the fifth operator worldwide in availability of this technology for its customers. WOM closed the year 2022 with more than 7.6 million customers. The […]

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WOM is ready to switch on the network that will provide connectivity in 366 isolated locations in Chile

Views: 15This milestone is part of the fulfillment of the commitment acquired by the operator under the 5G contest, which includes connecting 366 isolated localities in the country. This commitment had its first major milestone in the mandatory locality of Teguel, in the town of Quiquel, Los Lagos Region, with the inauguration of an antenna […]

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WOM closes the year with 7.6 million customers and Chile’s largest 5G network

Views: 16The telecommunications company registered a series of key milestones for the connectivity of all Chileans, starting with the deployment of its 5G network, which allowed it to position itself as the fifth operator worldwide in availability of this technology for its customers. WOM closed the year 2022 with more than 7.6 million customers. The […]

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