Seven rural schools in Contulmo receive free connectivity

Siete escuelas rurales de Contulmo reciben conectividad gratuita

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  • This initiative is part of WOM Chile’s “Connected Schools” program, which for the second consecutive year has committed to continue bringing free internet access to students in the most isolated areas of the country.

Contulmo, July 2024 – As part of its commitment to democratize access to connectivity and transform people’s lives, WOM Chile, through its “Connected Schools” program, recently connected seven rural schools located in Contulmo, in the Biobío Region, benefiting 450 students.

The delivery of the equipment took place at the Calebu School, an activity in which community authorities, members of the community, students and teachers of the beneficiary schools participated. The seven schools connected on this occasion were: San Luis de Contulmo School, Huallepen Bajo School, Huallepen Alto School, Huillinco School, Calebu School, Grano de Trigo School and Nahuelbuta Alto School.

“Having access to the Internet will allow schools to connect in a better way. The main beneficiaries are the students, who will now have a tool that is fundamental for their future. We know that technology is key to development, and from the educational point of view we cannot be unaware of this support”, said Luis Barros, interim director of the Calebu School, during the activity.

It should be noted that in addition to receiving free internet access, the schools also received technological devices such as computers and tablets, which will allow them to make use of all the digital tools available to enhance the education of children.

“Since we launched the program in 2023, we have already connected more than 100 schools throughout Chile. As a company, we are committed to democratizing access to quality internet, strengthening education in schools located in the most isolated areas and collaborating with local development. We will continue working along these lines because we know that connectivity transforms people’s lives and provides opportunities not only for teachers and students, but also for the entire community”, said Valeria Andía, Sustainability Manager of WOM Chile.

Over the coming months, the company will continue to visit rural schools throughout Chile with the aim of leveling the digital playing field, providing connectivity to educational establishments that do not have access to an internet connection, a commitment with which the company expects to add 100 more schools to the program during 2024.