WOM closes the year with 7.6 million customers and Chile’s largest 5G network

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The telecommunications company registered a series of key milestones for the connectivity of all Chileans, starting with the deployment of its 5G network, which allowed it to position itself as the fifth operator worldwide in availability of this technology for its customers.

WOM closed the year 2022 with more than 7.6 million customers. The company, which arrived in Chile in 2015 to revolutionize the industry with its low prices, had a series of relevant milestones that marked a great year 2022 developing large projects nationwide to continue delivering connectivity to all of Chile, especially to the most remote sectors.

The deployment of the 5G network was undoubtedly one of the most relevant. With the milestone of simultaneous antenna switch-on in Santiago, Valparaíso and Concepción, WOM officially launched in March last year the 5G offer, which later in the year led it to achieve great achievements, such as being recognized in fifth place worldwide in 5G availability, according to the report “5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2022” of the prestigious consulting firm Open Signal, according to which WOM is also among the leaders in global 5G impact in download speed, gaming experience and video experience.

The company, always with the customer at the center, was recognized by them with a series of awards. Thus, WOM achieved first place in the Mobile Telephony sector in the ProCalidad 2022 National Customer Satisfaction Award, for the fourth consecutive year, in addition to being chosen as the best mobile telephony company in the ALCO Consumer Loyalty Award, and positioning itself in first place in the Telecommunications Sector Ranking in the Citizen Brands study for the first half of 2022 by Cadem.

“In 2022 we obtained a series of recognitions and we continue to deploy such relevant projects as 5G and National Fiber Optics. This reflects what we do on a daily basis: deliver to our customers the best service at a fair price, in our goal of democratizing telecommunications,” said WOM’s VP of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, Catalina Achermann. “Today we are the largest 5G network in Chile, to continue to level the digital playing field from Arica to Magallanes”, she added.

From the point of view of its policies towards its employees, the company stood out for several nationally recognized practices. WOM obtained first place in the Building Happiness 2022 ranking prepared each year by BUK (in the category of more than 500 employees), as a company that creates a better workplace. Last year also, WOM was one of the first four companies in Chile to receive the “40 Hours Seal”, a reduced working hours scheme that the company has used since its arrival in the country in 2015. In addition, WOM was certified in Standard 3262 for gender equity and conciliation: thanks to alliances, innovation and multidisciplinary teams, the company managed to certify a work environment of respect and well-being. On the other hand, WOM was recognized for the second consecutive year as a model company (Category A+) in diversity and inclusion by Pride Connection Chile. It also obtained the “Iguala Conciliación” Seal, awarded by the Servicio Nacional de la Mujer y la Equidad de Género, which certifies the company’s work in promoting equal rights, opportunities and gender equality.

In terms of sustainability, the company continued to set the standard. Last year, the telecommunications company published its first Sustainability Report, which made public its commitments to the development of ESG criteria. In addition, WOM joined the Chile-UN Global Compact Network, an initiative of the United Nations, which reinforces its commitment to integrate the 10 universal principles promoted by the Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Environment, Labor Relations and Anti-Corruption in all its operational processes. In addition, the company continued its ongoing work to provide connectivity to all corners of the country through its social connectivity plan and its digital skills workshops throughout Chile.