WOM opens the application process for the free internet connection program in the Region of Arica and Parinacota

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Students, families and communities in the region, through municipalities and various civil society organizations, will be able to benefit from free internet, thanks to the third version of the “Connected Community” program promoted by the operator.

Santiago, July 25, 2023 – WOM launched a new version of the “Comunidad Conectada” program that will deliver 100,000 sim cards to municipalities, foundations, civil society organizations or educational institutions, with the purpose of supporting students, families and communities with free internet access, a benefit that will be extended for 5 months.

“At WOM we know that connectivity is not a luxury, but a basic service for all of us who live in Chile. This program that we have activated seeks to level the digital playing field, providing free internet access to thousands of people who today need it to boost entrepreneurship, facilitate their children’s education, do paperwork or simply communicate”, says Valeria Andía, Sustainability Manager of WOM Chile.

To access this benefit, institutions must enter the website www.wom.cl/comunidadconectada, and complete the application form for a maximum of 600 chips, along with a brief description of the purpose of the request. Within 7 working days of registration, WOM will inform the applicant institutions of the results.

This connectivity plan is part of the operator’s commitment to bridge the digital divide and is possible thanks to the national deployment of its 5G network, which is already present in more than 320 communities throughout the country, providing coverage to more than 15 million people, 300,000 of whom live in rural areas.