WOM overtakes Claro and regains its leadership in portability

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According to Subtel data, during July 2024 the mobile telephony companies with the highest number of net portaciones in the month were: WOM (10,508); Claro (8,056); VTR (7,616). It is worth noting that in Subtel’s report, the figures for Claro and VTR are reported independently.

This confirms WOM’s leadership during the seventh month of the year, reaching 86 months – not consecutive – as leader in net portability.

Santiago, September 13, 2024 –The preferences of mobile telephony customers during July leave no room for doubt: WOM is the company most chosen by customers, achieving an increase of 10,508 net portations in the seventh month of the year, as reported by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications.

WOM once again tops the portability ranking issued by Subtel, being driven – as the report indicates – by the 13,762 prepaid lines, figures that confirm the company’s growth, stability and operational continuity.

“We are proud to once again lead the portability ranking. We have resumed our path of sustained growth and have now been in first place in portability for 86 months. We have a great brand, a multi-award-winning customer experience and a unique value offer that is chosen by more than 8 million customers every day from Arica to Punta Arenas,” said Lucas Airaudo, COO of WOM Chile.

Cabe destacar que desde la llegada de WOM al país en 2015, la compañía se convirtió en un líder indiscutido en portabilidad, recibiendo en menos de una década un total neto de más de 3.400.000 clientes desde otros operadores, lo que además, los ha posicionado como el 2do operador en conexiones móviles con un 25,6% de participación de mercado.

You can check here the complete Subtel report.

Procalidad 2024:

To the above, WOM adds an important recognition: 1st place in the Mobile Telephony sector of the PROCALIDAD 2024 National Customer Satisfaction Award.

Procalidad is a monthly study with annual results, which evaluates 34 different sectors and measures more than 150 service companies throughout the country, assessing the level of satisfaction given price (convenience) of each brand, level of recommendation, permanence or repurchase, among others.

The entity’s mission is to promote the quality and competitiveness of chilean companies with an eye to the customer. This is how the delivery of this recognition comes to highlight the service provided by the company, which has won the award for the fifth time since its arrival in the country.

It is worth noting that WOM has achieved a record growth in 9 years, with more than 8 million customers, with the largest 5G network in Chile, and positioning itself as the second operator in mobile connections.