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The company received two seals in recognition of the implementation of an environment that promotes gender equality and the reconciliation of work, family and personal life.
Santiago, July 6, 2023 – WOM received the recertification of Chilean Standard 3262 from Sernameg, a seal that recognizes the implementation of an environment that promotes gender equality and the reconciliation of work, family and personal life. It is also the first telco in Chile to receive the international EDGE seal, which evaluates the company’s practices and strategies for advancing gender equality.
“At WOM we are convinced that diversity, inclusion and equity are fundamental principles for a company like ours. We have always worked to level the playing field in telecommunications, but also among our employees, promoting equity in leadership, encouraging the development of female talent and promoting a balanced work environment of mutual trust, respect and well-being,” says Sandra Díaz, Director of Human Value at WOM.
The company launched a series of initiatives with the aim of continuing to promote female talent in the industry, encouraging the participation of women in leadership positions, breaking down barriers to equal opportunities and strengthening the plan for reconciling work, family and personal life.
Among the commitments made by the operator, the following were established:
- Achieve equal opportunities and gender equity through actions that reduce gender gaps within the company.
- Promote and facilitate the reconciliation of work, family and personal life for all WOMers, generating measures that encourage co-responsibility and balance of responsibilities, promoting a greater commitment to the welfare of people and empowering diverse teams with high performance standards.
- Prevent workplace and sexual harassment and gender and domestic violence, implementing actions for prevention, detection and referral in any situation.
These commitments are aligned with the SDG 2030, mainly in gender equality and reduction of inequalities, and with the strategy implemented by the company to continue promoting spaces free of discrimination, safe and with equal opportunities.