WOM’s ‘100 Connected Schools’ program already benefits more than 40 thousand students across the country

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WOM has connected 80 schools with free Internet, out of a target of 100, in remote communities such as Marchigüe, Nacimiento, Mulchén, Renaico, Perquenco, Hualqui and Toltén, among others, spread between the regions of Arica and Parinacota and Los Lagos.

Santiago, July 25, 2023 – WOM continues to advance in its Social Connectivity Plan. Two months after launching its ‘100 Connected Schools’ program, an initiative developed to provide free internet to educational establishments, mainly located in isolated and rural areas, it has already managed to connect 80 schools and more than 40,200 students between the regions of Arica and Parinacota and Los Lagos.

This has been possible thanks to the company’s deployment commitment in the most remote areas of the country, with the goal of connecting 366 isolated localities, where the program’s schools are located.

“We are happy with the reception of this initiative, which is part of our commitment to bridge the digital divide and is possible thanks to our alliances with foundations and municipalities, as well as the great progress we have made in our deployment in isolated locations, which allows us to reach with connectivity to places that due to their geographical location have little or no access to such services and provide better opportunities in education, through technology in the lives of thousands of girls and girls,” said Valeria Andía, WOM’s Sustainability Manager.

Regarding the progress of the program, the executive explained that to date they have managed to deliver around 150 mobile broadband devices and more than 11,500 SIM cards to rural and urban schools in remote communities such as Marchigüe, Nacimiento, Mulchén, Renaico, Perquenco, Hualqui and Toltén, among others. “We are convinced that our role has a strong social component, which drives us to continue working to democratize Internet access throughout the country,” he said.

In the remainder of the year, WOM will continue to promote that more students are favored with ‘100 Connected Schools’. To this end, the company has established a work schedule that will allow it to steadily scale this initiative to more schools in remote areas of the country.

In addition, in its efforts to level the digital playing field in Chile, WOM launched a new version of the “Comunidad Conectada” program that will deliver 100,000 sim cards to municipalities, foundations, civil society organizations or educational institutions, in order to support students, families and communities with free internet access, a benefit that will be extended for 5 months. To access the program, please visit www.wom.cl/comunidadconectada and complete the form to apply for a maximum of 600 chips.